Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale game available on mobile with millions of players worldwide. Free Fire offers various features that require a separate identity of every individual player. To do this, Free Fire has allotted a unique Player ID and IGN (In-Game-Name) to every player.
Even when you top-up using third-party apps or participate in the official/unofficial tournaments of Free Fire, you are required to provide your Player ID and IGN, so that it can be made sure that only you are playing. In this post, we are going to share what is Free Fire Player ID or IGN, and how to find it?
What Is Free Fire Player ID / UID And IGN:
When creating your account on the Free Fire, you have to provide a Username or Unique Name called the IGN in Free Fire. After successfully making an account in Free Fire, your account has been given a unique number for its separate identity, called Player ID in Free Fire.
Free Fire Player ID is a 5 to 12 digits unique number that can be used to search players, send gifts, and even report a player. It can be understood as your 'Roll Number' in school/college.
How To Find Player ID /UID And IGN In Free Fire:
Step 1: Open Your Free Fire App Home Screen
Step 2: At the Top Left, Click on the Profile Icon
The profile icon is the banner on the top left with your name, Avatar, and Free Fire level written on it.

Step 3: Make Sure to be in the Gallery Tab
In the Gallery tab, you will get to see your Player ID and IGN. For better understanding, have a closer look at the image attached below.

That's it for this post. After reading the above information, you must be able to find Free Fire Player ID and IGN without any problem. If you still face any issue, lets us know in the comment section below, we will help you out at the earliest.
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