Conflict of Nations: WW3 Released For Android And iOS

Developed by Bytro Labs known for their strategy titles, and now they are bringing Conflict of Nations: WW3 which is available now on iOS and Android. The game previously available only for PC where it reported having more than 1.8 million registered players.


Conflict of Nations: WW3 is calculated to be a long-lasting strategy game where each campaign can take anywhere between several days or weeks to complete. This means you'll potentially need to think very far ahead. Each match is a multiplayer war scenario where you can play with the entire globe.

Here the aim is to dominate the globe and once players have commanded their different units to particular parts of the world, they'll travel there in real-time. This means it can take time for them to move out of their objectives, allowing players to take out their current campaign to tweak their decisions and relay new commands.

There will plenty of the usual strategy available to micromanage contend throughout each campaign too. Each nation will need to be carefully managed and developed by researching new units. It includes opportunities, building infrastructure, and taking care of the economy. You should also handle diplomacy to forge alliances with other players.

Reviews About The Game:

Simon Dotschuweit, the head of Dorado Games Studio discussed the game's arrival on mobile. He stated that:

Dorado Studio thrilled to welcome mobile players to their new game Conflict of Nations: WW3.

Simon Dotschuweit

It doesn't matter that you’re a veteran of countless campaigns or a novice on the battlefield. The Conflict of Nations is now more accessible than ever before. You can also use the same account across PC and mobile. The game wants you can play on the battlefield from wherever you want.

Conflict of Nations: WW3 is available at Google Play and Apple Store.