Developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, the Japanese series based video game 'Tales of Crestoria' is expected to release in early June 2020. This is going to be the first-ever title in the Tales Series history that is going to release simultaneously worldwide.
The developers want fans from all over the world to play and get excited about the game together. Apart from that, the developers are also planning to conduct an open beta test of the English Version in the Early May 2020.
The aim behind the Tales of Crestoria Open Beta is to assess the network load in certain regions. It helps the developers in ensuring that players from all over the world get to play the game without network-related issues. As this is Open Beta, players will get to play the game from early May itself without using any VPN.
About Tales of Crestoria
Tales of Crestoria is a classic turn-based Role-Playing Game (RPG) with an unforgettable and original Tales story of morality. The story of the game depicts Kanata and Misella, who have been labeled as 'Transgressors' by the fellow citizens for committing crimes to protect each other. Both of them set off on an epic adventure to take rest from the world that wants them erased.
Now, in this manga/anime adventure, Kanata and his allies fight to survive through the fantasy world of Crestoria while bearing the stigma of their past sins. You are going to help Kanata, and his fellow transgressors to survive in this world.
The intuitive control system of the game makes you experience the classic anime RPG turn-based battles in a unique way. Apart from the normal attacks, you can link epic Mystic Arts to perform massive combo attacks. The attacks can be strengthened more by upgrading the skills of your character.
There are more than 50 characters available in the game that includes Misella, Kanata, Vicious, and many more. Each of the characters comes with unique episodes that be can be unlocked through battles to learn about them outside the main anime RPG story. You can also get the short & fun insights of character thoughts by following the characters' Face Chat conversations.
Tales of Crestoria is sure to delight longtime fans of the Tales series and anime/manga games in general. Get ready to make a choice to do what is right? Pre-Register for Tales of Crestoria on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.