Pokemon GO: New Details for May Spotlight Hour you need to know

Most people are unable to leave their homes due to the ongoing situation. This has put a halt on the journey of Pokemon GO players in becoming a Pokemon master. However, to keep the momentum going, the developers have made some temporary changes in the game. One of these changes is the weekly Spotlight Hour.


Under this event, a limited time bonus is offered on one featured Pokemon. This event works to encourage players to keep finding Pokemon from their homes. It also works to increase the popularity of some lesser chosen Pokemon in the game. Post-April, the developers have adjusted the spawn rates and made these events more enjoyable for players.

The Spotlight Hour will be held each week of May on Tuesday and will feature a different Pokemon and special bonus. Here are the details for the month of May:

  • 5 May, 2020 - Spotlight Pokemon = Shellder. Earn twice the Stardust on catching Shellder.
  • 12 May, 2020 - Spotlight Pokemon = Sunkern. Earn twice the XP on catching Sunkern.
  • 19 May, 2020 - Spotlight Pokemon = Poochyena. Earn twice the Candy on catching Poochyena.
  • 26 May, 2020 - Spotlight Pokemon = Bronzor. Earn twice the Candy on transferring Bronzor.

Be sure to check out this event and earn great bonuses. Download Pokemon GO for Android and iOS here.