Boris and the Dark Survival creeps its way onto Android

Boris and the Dark Survival is a new title added to the Bendy Series created by Joey Drew Studios. You will play as Boris the Wolf who is a cartoon companion of Bendy who helps him to hunt throughout the abandoned cartoon studio for the supplies Boris needs to keep going.

Your mission is to gather the required supplies but beware! you are not alone the mysterious Ink Demon is following you as make your way through. However you will still need food to fill up your stamina which means you will be stopping and eating while gathering the supplies while the Ink demon is hunting you down. So you need to be careful.


Similar to other games in the Bendy Series the game shows its classic features like the dark aesthetics and the top-down camera angle. Also there is this unique thing where no two experiences are same and on every run you will get to experience something new like new items and new secrets but you need to watch out for that scary Ink Demon.

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As of now the game is only available on Android and Steam and other three platforms. There is no news as to when this game will land for iOS devices. Check out Boris and the Dark Survival on Play Store and Steam which is a premium title.

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