Sirvo Studios' popular game Guildlings was released on the Apple Arcade platform in November of 2019. The primary theme of the game was RPG action that blended old school fantasy and the modern world. The game was fairly successful and recently it has been updated to introduce a huge expansion. This update has been called "Guildlings: Lawnhenge" which will bring new stories, areas, and characters to the game.
Guildlings: Lawnhenge - Updates & Features
This update is not only supposed to increase the moveable size of the game but also bring in a lot more features and elements. Following are some of them:
- A whole new area called "the Titular Lawnhenge". There will be other new places to explore as well, though Lawnhenge is supposed to be the largest.
- Continuation of the story. The story previously had a "cliffhanger" ending and thus it's continuation was extremely important.
- New characters have been added characters to the game.
- Players will now be able to revisit the older areas of the game.
- New players will be able to get twice the amount of playtime than before the update.
- Added controller support. The game is now compatible with more hand-held controllers.
Update - First impressions & Mini Review
This update was an extremely necessary one. The ending of the story before this update was not only sudden but also very unsatisfying. The game also felt very restricting before this update. However, the level design has been toned up a notch in this update. The design is not only beautiful but also has a much more "open-world" feeling to it. The fact that you can now track-back and revisit older areas is very fulfilling. This update is quite good and the devs did an amazing job with it.
Guildlings is available for Apple Arcade, a service that costs INR 999 yearly. As such it is an apple exclusive and no android version of the game is in sight. The developers have hinted at an android version but it doesn't seem likely until or unless this Apple Arcade partnership breaks off. That will be all for this post folks! For more gaming news, keep in touch with Mobile Mode Gaming.