Free Fire Rampage II: Uprising Event Peak Day Rewards Approaching Tomorrow

Free Fire Rampage II: Uprising Event, also called '5/7 Rampage', started in the game from 25th June 2020 and is live till 12th July 2020. Just like every major event, Free Fire Rampage 5/7 event has a peak day that is approaching tomorrow (5th July 2020). On the peak day of every major event, Players get to claim some free rewards.

There are going to be four rewards that players can get on Rampage Event Peak Day, including a legendary permanent skin for all players. Below we will discuss all rewards one by one and how to get them.


Rampage Plant

On the peak day, you will get to see various plants dotted on the map. You need to interact with them; doing this will make them grow bigger and drop more Rampage Tokens for you. To interact with plants, play any emote with them. Also, keep in mind, more players interact with plant, faster it grows. Using Rampage Tokens, you can get yourself Famine Felon Bundle for free. You can check out How To Get Famone Felon Bundle.

Threaten Emote

Free Fire Threaten Emote is the Peak Day login reward and is available for all players who log in to the game on 5th July 2020.


UMP - Cataclysm

Players can also grab legendary permanent UMP - Cataclysm on peak day for free. After every match you play on 5th July, you can get your hands on either UMP - Cataclysm or Weapon Loot Crate. So keep on playing matches until you get legendary skin.

Rampage 2.0

On the peak day, the revised and reworked edition of Free Fire's Rampage mode will make its way to game as a limited-time mode. It will be called 'Rampage 2.0' and remains in the game till 12th July 2020. You can check out complete details about Free Fire Rampage 2.0 Version.

So these are the rewards, you can get for free on the Free Fire Rampage 5/7 Peak Day.


Also Read: How To Get Diamonds In Garena Free Fire

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