Free Fire Giving Away Free Bundles, Pet & Skins In Celebration Of Upcoming Beach Party Event

Free Fire will be getting a new event called 'Beach Party' on 14th June 2020. If you are a true Free Fire fan, you must know that developers introduce the Beach Party event every year in the time of summer. The last version of the event was '14.7 Beach Party', as it was released on 14th July 2020.

This time the Free Fire Beach Party Event will be coming on the 14th June 2020, so we can expect it to be called '14.6 Beach Party'. You might be aware of the Free Fire new OB22 Patch Update release on 3rd June 2020; the new Patch is based on the summer theme. So we can expect the upcoming version of the Beach Party event to be something unique.

Now coming to how to get free bundles, skin & pet in free fire as a celebration of the new Beach Party Event. This time, unlike several other events of the game, developers will be giving the bundles and skins for a permanent duration of time. To get them, all you have to do is visit the official Facebook page of Garena Free Fire and share a post.


If you share the above-embedded post for the below mentioned times, you unlock the particular rewards. The rewards will be given to you through free-to-play-activities and events that are opening soon on 14th June 2020.

  • Share the post 20K times to unlock the Pineapple Grenade skin
  • Share the post 50K times to unlock the Captain Bubbles Bundle
  • Share the post 100K times to unlock the Cutie Bubbles Bundle
  • Share the post 150K times to unlock the Falco & Hellfire Skin

Share the post and reach the targets to unlock the rewards. Don't forget to play and complete the missions of Beach Party Event starting from 14th June to obtain the unlocked rewards for free.

Also Read: How To Get Diamonds In Garena Free Fire


Stay tuned with Mobile Mode Gaming (MMG) for the latest Garena Free Fire News & Updates!