Free Fire Is Getting 'Training Ground' In Next Patch (OB20)

Garena is going to bring a new OB20 update in the Free Fire on 25th February, which will bring a lot of new features, including the Training Ground, which will be opening in the game on 28th February. As 'Training Ground' name is pretty straight forward in itself, but there are separate modes in it, and you need to know how you can make the best use of it.


Training Ground is a place in the game for you to train your game mechanics and elevate yourself to full potential; think about it as going to a virtual gun-range, but it is not only that. In Training Ground, you can make new friends, and you can also form the Squad of your dreams. You will get to meet other players, who are there to hone their in-game skills and are trying to get familiar with certain things that are hard to figure it out in the heat of the battle.

Are you trying to understand the recoil of your favorite gun? The best way to control your shot when you are going for headshots? Or trying to understand the simple things such as the use of Zipline? Training Ground is the best place for all of them.

The aim of Developer's behind introducing Training Ground is to create an environment in the game that lets you test and improve your skills and abilities before heading into the real battles. On top of everything, you get to try your best gun combinations, your ideal gun attachments, trying out the guns which are a bit harder to come by in every match, and so forth.

There are two major zones in Training Ground:

  1. The first zone is 'Target Range', where you get to try all the guns so you can train and practice your aim.
  2. The second zone is 'Combat Zone', where you keep on reviving again and again and keep battling against the real people to train your skills.

There are open areas as well, where you can hand out with other players and interact with them. You can send them some messages to make new friends. Apart from a Place of learning, Training Ground can also be considered as a Place of Sharing, where you can share your practice style with friends, on video, or through your favorite streaming platforms.

Also Read: Garena Free Fire OB20 Update: New Character, Bomb Squad Mode & Much More

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