Clash Of Clans New Troop 'Royale Ghost' Get's Leaked

It has been confirmed that a new troop will be making it's way to the clash of clans world with this October 2019 update. The new troop is going to be the 'royal ghosts' which is taken from Clash Royale. All we have to say is, it's a perfect choice as Halloween is coming and Royal Ghosts fit in perfectly with the theme.


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How this New Clash of Clans New Troop 'Royale Ghosts' Got Leaked?

So supercell recently uploaded a new video which showcased a new Barbarian King Skin for the October Season which is called 'The Skelton King' and in that same video you can see these new troops 'Royale Ghosts'. However, it was shared by mistake or intentionally by supercell, that is still unknown.