A couple of months back, OnePlus surprised the entire mobile gaming industry when they announced their partnership with Epic Games to allows the Oneplus Latest Smartphone owners to play Fortnite Mobile at 90 FPS. This was huge because even the console version was set to the maximum limit of 60 FPS.
Well, it looks like OnePlus want to really take over on the mobile gaming market, Today they have just announced a partnership with Tencent Games to allow OnePlus smartphone users to play PUBG Mobile at 90 FPS and have a fantastic experience.
PUBG Mobile developers went to twitter, while OnePlus went to its community forums to share this news with the fans. The company stated that its community is crazy about PUBG Mobile. Since they premiered high-refresh-rate displays, with the One Plus 7 Pro, they have been getting questions as to when the players will be able to take advantage of the smoothness in the world's most-played battle royale game.
They added that the players would not have to wait for even a second more. Starting right now, all the One Plus 8 Series owners alongside OnePlus 7 Pro and OnePlus 7T will have exclusive access to play PUBG Mobile at 90 FPS from 6 August to 7 September.
At first, this might look like a time-limited event, but in reality, its more like a testing phase, and if everything goes right, you will be able to play PUBG Mobile at 90FPS lifelong. Getting to play PUBG Mobile at 90 FPS is going to be crazy. This is the first time players can experience the game at such high FPS on a mobile device.
Sadly I have an OnePlus 6T, so I am out, but if you own the latest OnePlus smartphone, you are surely in for a treat. Getting winner-winner chicken dinners should not be tough for you.