Super Mecha Champions is Now Globally Released!

Super Mecha Champions is brand new Battle Royale game by NetEase Game, the game is built on battle royale concept however with a twist. In Super Mecha Champions mobile game you get to feel the amazing thrill and excitement when you jump into non-stop matches controlling a gigantic robot.

The concept of Super Mecha Champions might be similar to traditional Battle Royale Games but the ability to take over and control a giant robot is the USP of this game. Although it is important to note, that to use a giant robot in the battle you will have to wait until the marker is full and to fill the marker quickly you will have to pick up certain items or wipe out a few of the rivals.

Super Mecha Champions has been globally released on Apple Appstore and on Google Play. Download the game and check it out yourself, how fun it actually is!