Ever PUBG player want's that fancy title of Conqueror written on the top of its character player. This tag look's really beautiful. This also displays that player has good game knowledge and knows all the tip's and trick's that a pro player should know. But reaching this level is very hard. But let me remind you it is hard not impossible. It is also a well-known fact that only the top five hundred players can get this title.
Personally speaking, this tier is hard to reach, but you can again give it a shot. In today's article, we will discuss some major tips and tricks that will help you push your rank as much as possible.
Play Safe
To push the rank, you really need to play safe. This is something you should tell your mind every time you play with the mindset of pushing your rank. While doing so every time, you have to prefer being safe rather than going for kills. In doing so, your KD may go down with which you have to really compromise.
Even if you hear a bot fire near you, I will suggest you not to go for the kill this time also. Some players use this bot fire technique to take kills. So going for bot kills can really go wrong sometimes. So play safe, and don't be a greedy kill taker.
Pick a Squad
This is one of the easiest tips you can go along with. Playing with random players can be really hectic. Some players will not follow your instruction and will play of their own, which may result in a situation you do not want to be in. So just ask your friends who want to push rank and want that fancy title of Ace/Conqueror.
Try to be In Top 10
Deep down, you may know that you do not have all those skills that you should have to be a pro player. But you have craved for that title. So in this trick, you have to be just patient and just try to be in Top 10 as much as possible. This trick works great and gives you extra points for each and every time you spend in the game.
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