Everyone in the community is super hyped for the Call of Duty Mobile Season 8, and why shouldn't they be. Season 8 is going to be a massive update in COD Mobile, bringing lots of character and gun skins. It will also bring a new map, a new gun, and many new game modes.
But since we have already covered everything else, only the brand new weapon is left. So today, in this post, we are going to talk about 'DR-H,' which is a brand new assault rifle that will be added in COD Mobile with the Season 8 Update.
DR-H is definitely going to be a meta Assault rifle in Season 8. The gun has massive damage and super easy to control. However, it comes with low-magazine size and a slow rate of fire.
Thus, if you are someone whose accuracy is good, then you should definitely be looking forward to this weapon. DR-H will also come with an exclusive weapon attachment called 'OTM,' which will further increase the gun's damage. If you equip OTM on DR-H, then you can easily 3 Shot enemies in close range.
Our word of advice for this weapon is that if you like playing passive, then surely go for this gun, but it is not meant for aggressive players. The DR-H will be released sometime in Season 8 of Call of Duty Mobile; as of now, if you want to try it, you can get your hands on the weapon in the Training Mode.
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