Happy Wheels By James Bonacci - Guide, Tips & Tricks

Everyone knows Happy Wheels as a former Browser-based game. The creators have launched this game on Mobile Devices recently. The game consists of vivid tracks that a racer must complete, but on a clumsy scooter! Yes, you heard that right. This game will have a surprise hidden in every point of the racecourse.


The following tips will help you to understand the mechanics of the game and make a suitable strategy to cope with the upcoming adventure.

Be Slow, Be a Winner

Unlike any other racing game, Happy Wheels does not focus on your speed. You don't need to be fast to complete this track. Instead, focusing more on strategy will help you to gain a better hand over difficult parts of the race. Initially, your character will get demolished on every new trap, but being active and keeping track of what is coming next, you can complete the complex tracks too. Anticipate every obstacle and get to that finish line without getting hit.

Jump the Obstacles

Jump mechanism in the game is the key to clear many difficult obstacles on the way. A casual rolling can't get you to win every time. You must be ready and jump without wasting any time, as this would be the necessity of many upcoming levels. I would recommend you to keep hovering your fingers over that Jump button. No doubt, jumping decreases the momentum of your character. So that time, you can even make shallower jumps by controlling the lean mechanism.

Access to Every Level

You don't have to worry about clearing a particular level to progress to the next stage. You have access to all the levels right from the beginning. But I would suggest you start at the first level. If you try to accomplish the last level, you will end up transforming your character into a corpse. Try progressing in the order provided to you. Completing lower levels at first will help to clear the difficult ones much easier.

Keep Updating the Game

Many of the characters have not yet been released into the game. The creators are working on characters like Wheelchair Guy, Irresponsible Dad, Moped Couple, and many others. You need to keep a regular check on the upcoming updates as many characters will get unlocked. Set your application store settings to auto-update, as the next update might have your favorite character inside.

Look For Special Signs

If you are stuck at a particular level and not being able to progress, try to look for alternative routes. Giving up a level is not the solution; either try some different tracks and come back later to the previous one. The game also has some hidden clues that will give you an idea of the obstacles coming ahead. For example, the red platforms will vanish within a few seconds after you stepped on them; some of the platforms are pointed with an arrow. You must look for the indicators and be alert for those obstacles.

Download Happy Wheels, side-scrolling, physics-based, obstacle course game from Google Play Store and iOS App Store.

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