Top 3 Mobile Games To Watch Out For In 2019

The craze of mobile gaming is increasing day by day in the 20th century, almost every person has a game on his mobile which he plays to chill out in free time. By keeping this thing in mind the mobile game developers are also in full swing to release attractive mobile games for the players, whether you are a casual player or a professional mobile gamer, there is something for everyone. In this post, we are going to share with you the Top 3 Mobile Games which are under development and you should watch out for in 2019.

Call Of Duty: Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile is Free to Play Mobile Shooter game which has been developed by Tencent Games and has been released by Activision. This game is currently available in Beta version in some specific countries and will be released globally very soon. Call of Duty has been made available to play on many platforms, but the mobile version will be the first time in the series to get a fully-fledged portable experience that's an entire game in its own right.


Talking about the game Modes, COD Mobile offers you three different game modes. From Multiplayer and Zombie Mode to the trending Battle Royale Mode. All the modes are very popular in the franchise and they challenge you to face other online players, as well as team-up with them to destroy others. Call of Duty Mobile is a mixture of all other previous calls of Duty Games, thus Nuketown, Hijacked or Killhouse are few of the popular maps which are there in this mobile game.

Click here to Try Out COD Mobile Beta Version

Mario Kart Tour

After releasing Super Mario Run, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, Dr. Mario World, etc. now the Nintendo is working on its upcoming mobile game Mario Cart Tour. This game is the first adaption for the Smartphones of the Mario Kart Saga. This game put you in the control of the vehicle, which can be driven on land, water, and air. There are no obstacles which can stop the Mario, Yoshi, Peach and all of their friends. But there is a disappointing thing in the smartphone version, not all the characters are unlocked from the get-go, rest it depends upon the developers.


In Mario Kart Tour you will get to enjoy some of the franchise’s most popular tracks; Luigi’s track or Peach’s Beach track etc. This game has the tough competition in its genre, such as Sonic Racing, Beach Buggy Racing, Racing Star M, El Chavo Kart or Angry Birds GO, etc. are there which have already established their audience in the mobile gaming industry. But it is expected that Mario Kart Tour through its Mario, Luigi, and other friends will eventually be able to secure its place among them or might be above over there.

Click here to Pre-Register for Mario Kart Tour

Plants vs. Zombies 3

Plant vs. Zombies 3 is developed by EA (Electronic Arts) and is a Free-To-Play Mobile game which is under construction for now. Plant vs. Zombies is basically a very popular tower defense video game, which was originally published by PopCap Games for Personal Computers. The gameplay is very simple, the homeowners use a variety of different plants to prevent the army of zombies from entering into their homes.

Electronic Arts have already released a Pre-Alpha version of the Plant vs Zombies 3for the android users and said that this is merely a temporary, unfinished product and should not be confused with anywhere near to the final version of the Plant vs Zombies 3. The main purpose of this Pre-Alpha Test is to get feedback from the players about the game and further enhance the combat system.

Everything You Need To Know About Plant Vs. Zombies 3

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