Mini Militia, the game developed by a couple of game people in their basement. Little did they knew that it would change the mobile gaming industry forever. If you are unaware, let us tell you that years back when players were addicted to strategy games such as clash of clans, Mini Militia not only was released but gained a massive popularity attracting millions of players worldwide. Mini Militia brought this massive trend of shooting games in the mobile industry and made it an easy path for now-famous Pubg Mobile and Fortnite.
In 2018, Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia was acquired by Miniclip from Appsomniacs, and it failed to introduce regular updated in the game. As a result to which, players lost interest and moved away. But it looks like this is going to change soon, Mini Militia is finally getting a huge Revamp.
The New update of Mini Militia bring a crate system, and now Weapons and avatars will unlock from the crates. The new update also brings an entirely new UI. From the lobby to the match rooms, everything has been changed. And the spotlight of this upcoming update will be nothing but, from the upcoming update, the weapons in Mini-Militia will be upgradeable.
Did You Know? - Mini Militia was developed originally by Hunter Mayer & Chad Towns. A huge shoutout to the guys for such a fun game.
About Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia - It is a multiplayer combat with up to 6 players online or 12 using local wi-fi. You can train with the Sarge and sharpen your skills in offline Training, Co-op and Survival modes.