Garena Free Fire introduces 'InfoBox and New Weapon CG15' in the Game

Garena Free Fire is going to roll out the new update globally very soon with many new features in the game i.e. New area 'Bullseye', New 'Hot Zone', 'Grass Optimization', New character 'Laura' and many more new surprises.

Recently, two more things has been announced to be added in the new update, which is the "New Gun named 'CG15' and the InfoBox".
It is posted by the developers on Social Media that:
"Coming Soon - CG15
Charge, lock and eliminate! Damage dealt from the CG15 weapon is based on its charge. The longer you charge, the higher the damage!


How Does the Gun 'CG15' work?

This gun has two modes : (i) Single Fire; and (ii) Auto Fire

  • If you use the gun without opening the scope then it will automatically work on the Auto Fire mode. So if you tap the fire button without opening the scope it will fire the full magazine and will deal damage just like the UMP.
  • But if you use it with the scope then it will work like a Sniper Gun and will automatically work on the Single Fire Mode. But there is an interesting thing in using it with the scope, that the damage dealt will depend upon how much you charge it before firing. When you open the scope, three arrows will appear on the screen and becomes red with time. As all three of them have become red that means, it has been fully charged and now the single bullet of it will deal 100 damage. It barely takes 3 seconds in getting full charged. The damage of the each bullet depends upon how much you charge it before firing.

How Does the InfoBox Work?

InfoBox can be found anywhere in the map just like the other weapons, but it is not a weapon. For using it you will have to go near to it, then tap the use button. After completion of the 3-4 second process, now you can see on the map that where will be the next safe zone. So basically, it tells you that which part of the map will be in the safe zone.

So Free Fire lovers, get ready for 'CG15 and InfoBox' in the game and be the winner by taking your enemies down.