Cluck Night Is A 4v1 Multiplayer Game For Android

Cluck Night is developed by Thunder Cat Games and published by Coconut Games which was released last month for iOS and it is available to pre-register for Android users.


Cluck Night is a 4v1 asymmetrical multiplayer where 4 players will play as 4 chickens who are desperate to escape from the farm while the other single player will play as a fowl herder who will chase the chickens with a weapon in his hand. There are over 10 characters to choose including the fried chicken shop owner Leon, the lovely little girl Rita, the maid Kelly, Egg-a-fowl, Time Fowl and more.

Since its an asymmetrical so it doesn't have a designated area to follow or run the chicks can run anywhere around the farm also it includes a top-down view. Also, these chickens are not your ordinary chickens these are alien abducted chickens with new advanced abilities where you and your team will get to open and exit several generators.

Cluck Night is a free-to-play app which was released on iOS last month so iOS users can check it out on App Store and Android users can check it out Play Store.

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