Gate Six: Cyber Persona Game Review – A Game Set in the Year 2079

The Role Play Genre (RPG) is not a new thing today, but in 1996 when Tales was released as a video game, it gained prominence and soon became a very popular genre for the teenagers around the world. Ever since then, many gaming companies around the world have entered the race to establish their thorn over this genre, Korean Gaming Companies in particular. Gate Six: Cyber Persona developed by FLERO Games is a new addition to this list.

Speaking about the storyline, the world in 2079 is governed by an evil cyber force who has sold their souls in order to have eternal life and infinite strength. In 2079 the technology has reached to its peak where it is able to teleport people’s consciousness to a higher digital realm. Gate Six is a virtual world where the characters selected by us connect with other virtual characters to fight against these evil souls.


In this game, you’re Lex, a Cyber ​​Persona along with Hela who is the surviving Researcher. Lex has found something unusual about Gate Six, and so along with Hela you’re on an unknown journey in wasp of this strange virtual world. With the help of other virtual characters, you travel around the hexagonal map streets of the Gate Six and defeat the stranger creatures.  As you pass each level, a lady from another realm opens up the card of a virtual character in your team. Much like all the strategy games, here also you need to place your characters in the right way to defeat an opponent. With every reward, you need to upgrade their skills and make them strong.

Out of all the RPGs, the Graphics of Gate Six are the best. Over 60 character that are designed hold weapons that are distinct. Lex is lased with twin sward, whereas Hela holds a special machinegun designed in her Laboratory. The power generated by all the characters and the spells to cast them from the new realm are worth experiencing. The storyline animation is not so boring and it will not force you to skip the content.

The speed and controls of the game are quick and easy. However, the game is over 800 MB so it requires a 4 GB RAM and enough storage space to run fast on your device. The background sound is apt as per the nature of the game and gives us the real-time experience about the scenario of Gate Six in 2079. The in-app purchases are so expensive, but you won’t be disturbed by the ads during the gameplay.


The game drains a lot of battery and also the cost of utilizing the gold and all other amenities in the game is not proper. IAP and summon costs are very expensive. The reward that is gained is quickly utilized in some or the other way and forces gamers to make the real purchase in the higher levels. Gate Six: Cyber Persona is available to download on both Play Store and Apps Store.